Dana Bash and Jena Frumes feet and legs

Dana Bash also goes by the name Dana Ruth Schwartz. This American anchorwoman, journalist and political correspondent works for CNN. The anchorwoman has also been the producer of a number of CNN's weekend show such as 'Evans and Novak. "Late Edition. 'and Inside Politics. She has also worked for NBC, CBS and other prestigious channels. Bash was awarded many awards, including a place on the 'Women in the Washington Power List" by Elle magazine. Her fame is based on her amazing reporting skills as well as anchoring capabilities. A lot of young journalists are awed by her skills. She graduated from George Washington University, she is a devoted mother to one son. She has been married twice she's now dating. Bash loves all her fans. She's tough, independent, and she has a lot of love for the people she loves. Because of this, she American Journalist has joined Instagram as well as Twitter to keep her admirers informed about her personal life.

Jena Frumes Jena Frumes American model that is famous on social media has earned her mark. Instagram has made her an instant star, with over 5 million fans. She has a beautiful physique and eyes that can attract men of all ages. Modeling, acting, marketing and advertising products are all endorsed with this stunning beauty. Her most popular products that she endorses are sports and health related items that go well with her personality. Starting from Union Beach, New Jersey, up to Los Angeles, it has been a whirlwind trip for the girl who is from African, French, and Native American origin. Jena Frumes made her own bold moves regardless of whether she was convincing her family, or even launching a show business career. Jena Frumes played the role in the film Mango & Guava.

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